Mango Season

I have just arrived back in Hawai’i, in time for mango season! This mango is from the tree in my backyard. Look how red it is. You can just imagine how sweet and luscious the flesh will be when it’s fully ripe!

Oman, I am so Hungary.

It started like this…

“Hey.. Hungary?”
“Oman. Iraq’d up such desire for food last night. My stomach Israeli empty!”

And is currently this…

My name is Embla. What can I say, I am constantly Hungary.

You can read about my interests on my About page. I like food and I like writing and I like writing about food. I also like things such as open source technology and Middle Eastern politics, but food is my safe respite from all that craziness. This blog will document food and food culture and food geekery in Hawaii, as well as my own disastrous adventures in the kitchen. Although there may be as many errors as successes, I promise there will be much cooking, much eating, and many stories to share.

So, come.

Let’s fill our Belizes up.